How Cupping Therapy Can Improve Athletic Performance

Cupping therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. While cupping therapy has gained popularity as a natural way to promote relaxation and reduce stress, it can also be beneficial for athletes. Here are some ways cupping therapy can help athletes:

Athletic Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Improve athletic performance

Cupping therapy can help to improve blood flow and oxygenation of the muscles, which can enhance athletic performance. By improving circulation, cupping therapy can also help to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, allowing athletes to train more effectively.

Speed up recovery

Athletes often experience muscle soreness and fatigue after training or competition. Cupping therapy can help speed up recovery by reducing inflammation, increasing blood flow, and promoting the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

Relieve pain

Cupping therapy can be effective in reducing pain associated with sports injuries, such as muscle strains, sprains, and tendonitis. By improving circulation and reducing inflammation, cupping therapy can help to relieve pain and promote healing.

Increase flexibility

Cupping therapy can help loosen tight muscles and improve the range of motion, making it easier for athletes to move freely and avoid injuries. This can be particularly beneficial for sports that require a high level of flexibility, such as gymnastics or dance.

Boost the immune system

Athletes are often at risk of getting sick due to the high physical demands of training and competition. Cupping therapy has been shown to boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which can help to protect athletes from illness.


Cupping therapy can be a beneficial natural treatment for athletes. It can improve athletic performance, speed up recovery, relieve pain, increase flexibility, and boost the immune system. As with any form of therapy, it’s important for athletes to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine if cupping therapy is right for them and to ensure proper application of the technique.

How to Get Started with Cupping Therapy

It’s never been so easy to begin your journey into the art of ACE Massage Cupping and MediCupping therapy.

Attend a Hands-on Workshop

ACE Educators hold 50+ classes a year in exciting locations throughout the US and EU. ACE workshops grant up to 32 NCBTMB CEUs. Find an upcoming workshop near you to gain valuable hands-on experience in a fun and professional class setting.

Purchase an Equipment Set

Our equipment sets are designed to include everything needed to add cupping therapy to an existing practice. A comprehensive online training course is included with your purchase that introduces you to the fundamentals of our modern style of cupping therapy.

Enroll in an Online Course

Can’t make it to one of our hands-on workshops? Do you want to learn the basics before attending an in-person workshop? Our online classes are suitable for practitioners of all skill levels. Learn the fundamentals of cupping therapy at your own pace with one of our comprehensive online training classes.