Anita J. Shannon – Online Educator

About Anita J. Shannon

Anita J. Shannon has been a licensed massage therapist and licensed cosmetologist since 1983. She specializes in skin care, body treatments, clinical aromatherapy, and various modalities of massage therapy. She has been a national educator since 1990, appearing at numerous national spa and massage conventions each year. For four years, Anita appeared as a co-host on the television program “Health Options Today” with Dr. Mitchell Ghen.

Anita is the founder and director of Advanced Continuing Education (ACE), an NCBTMB CE provider established in 2001. Anita has presented hundreds of workshops on ACE Massage Cupping and MediCupping therapy throughout the US and internationally since 2002. Anita has been published on the subject of cupping therapy in industry publications such as Massage Today, Massage Magazine, and Les Nouvelles Esthetiques. She has published two educational videos on ACE Massage Cupping bodywork, two on MediCupping therapy and one on TheraCupping home care, and is currently writing a book on VacuTherapies. In 2011, Anita was inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.

In 2016, Anita opened ACE Institute Online, an online education portal designed to bring cupping therapy training into the digital age. Since its debut in 2016, ACE Institute Online has introduced the revolutionary techniques found in ACE Massage Cupping and MediCupping to over ten thousand students worldwide.

Anita’s Online Courses

Introductory Online Courses

ACE Massage Cupping

Learn How to Use Manual Cups

ACE Massage Cupping Therapy Online Course

This course introduces students to ACE Massage Cupping therapy, with techniques performed using traditional manual cups. 12 NCBTMB CEUs.

MediCupping Vacuum Therapy

Learn How to Use a Vacuum Therapy Machine

MediCupping Therapy Online Course

This course introduces students to the modern style of MediCupping therapy, with techniques performed using a VacuTherapy Machine. 12 NCBTMB CEUs.

Advanced Online Courses

Ultimate Face Lifting & Drainage

Master the Art of Utilizing Tiny Micro-Cups to Rejuvenate Facial Skin and Muscles.

Ultimate Face Lifting and Drainage Online Course

Gain proficiency in facial lifting and drainage methods while honing your ability to identify and address lymphatic congestion and associated conditions, empowering yourself to deliver holistic care and enhance client well-being.